Paradigm shift on Heart Disease challenging 60+ years of scientific theory

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Inflammation and cardiovascular Disease

Finally someone is making sense! Dr. Dwight Lundell in his article (Heart surgeon declares on what really causes heart illness) describes his years of experience treating clogged arteries through surgery and his -as well as the medical systems- misguided beliefs that cholesterol in the body translates into clogged arteries.



when you’ve been told over and over that coconut oil and butter are bad for you because they contain saturated fats and that you need to be eating a low-fat diet in order to be healthy and that eggs are to be avoided if you’ve got high cholesterol, it can be very scary to jump ship!butter health naturopathic diet

This 60+ year old belief is what has led to our current diets which are inflammatory in nature due to the high amounts of inflammatory vegetable oils as well as the sugars and simple carbs which also contribute to inflammation. Unfortunately, although numerous research studies back up the very clear link between inflammation and heart disease -while disproving the cholesterol link- it has not yet become common knowledge. As well, when you’ve been told over and over that coconut oil and butter are bad for you because they contain saturated fats and that you need to be eating a low-fat diet in order to be healthy and that eggs are to be avoided if you’ve got high cholesterol, it can be very scary to jump ship!

Consider what the “scientific” community has termed the “French Paradox”. As Wikipedia describes, it is the “paradoxical epidemiological observation that French people have a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD), while having a diet relatively rich in saturated fats.” No kidding? And we call this a paradox because it’s easier to label it as such than to admit that we’ve been wrong all along.

For an explanation of how our diets cause chronic inflammation in the body which can lead to many chronic illnesses including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s, please see my article on inflammation and fish oils.

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